X3D Fritz was a version of the Fritz chess program, which in November 2003 played a four-game Human–computer chess match against world number one Grandmaster Garry Kasparov. The match was tied 2–2, with X3D Fritz winning game 2, Kasparov winning game 3 and drawing games 1 and 4.
Fritz ran on four Intel Pentium 4 Xeon CPUs at 2.8 GHz.
The match was unique in how Kasparov relayed his moves to the computer. In most human–computer matches, the human makes their moves on a normal board, as in a normal game. These moves are fed into the computer by an intermediary seated where a normal human opponent would be, and its replies played on the board by the same person. In this match, however, no normal board and no intermediary was used. Instead, Kasparov, wearing special goggles, saw a three-dimensional projection of the board floating in the air in front of him. He spoke his moves out loud, thus conveying them to the computer which had a speech recognition system. The computer's replies were shown on the projected board.
The time controls for each game were as follows:
The match was held at the New York Athletic Club in New York City, United States. Kasparov got $150,000 USD for playing and an extra $25,000 for the drawn match. Kasparov would have earned an extra $50,000 instead if he had won.
The moves of the games are given below.
Opening: Queen's Gambit Declined (QGD) semi-Slav: Stoltz variation
ECO: D45
The first game, with Kasparov as White, ended in a draw after Kasparov sacrificed a pawn in the Semi-Slav for a better position. He eventually won a rook for a bishop and pawn, but was unable to convert the advantage into a win. Fritz managed to open lines against Kasparov's king, and drew with perpetual check.