Wow! is a British comic book magazine running from 5 June 1982 to 25 June 1983, when it merged with Whoopee!. Its strips included:
about a boy and his army of ants. Drawn by Sid Burgon. This was originally a comic strip from Cor!! comic, called 'Andy and his Ants'. Two issue of Wow! feature reprints of old Cor!! strips.
about a boy whose jacket is covered in magical pin badges given to him by a jumble sale stallholder one morning. Drawn by Terry Bave
about a boy and his pet pigeon. Drawn by Trevor Metcalfe. Although issue 56 was the last to regularly feature the characters, new story's were printed in the Wow Annual 1986 (printed and distributed in 1985) and the summer specials until 1985. In this last story we see Coo piloting a model plane for a competition.
about a robot. Drawn by Jim Barker, survived merger with Whoopee
about a boy who owns a multi-million dollar global enterprise. Drawn by Frank McDiarmid. Survived merger with Whoopee.
about a country lad who lives with his cousins city family. Issue 56 was the last to 'regularly' feature the characters. The last new story to feature 'Cuz' was the Wow summer specials 1985 when he tries to cure his cousins hiccups using country remedies.
about a boy named Davey Doom who buys the complete collection (13 issue run) of a horror comic 'Creepy Comix'. Drawn by Reg Parlett Issues 1 through 38. Drawn by Dick Millington (whose style is very similar) from issue 39 to 55. Then reverted to original artist Reg Parlett for merger. Survived merger with Whoopee. Then when Whoopee merged with Whizzer and Chips story's continued. Finally Whizzer and Chips merged with "Buster" comic where the story's continued until 1997 - making them the most successful of all Wow!'s comic characters.
about a group of trees who are forever trying to find a home. Drawn by Robert Nixon. Survived merger with Whoopee.
Reprinted story's originally called the 'Toffs and the Toughs' about two gangs of three children: the 'goodies' and the 'baddies'. Drawn by Reg Parlett.
about an incredibly tall boy. Drawn by Norman Mansbridge.