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Workers Solidarity Movement

The Workers Solidarity Movement is an anarchist-communist organisation in Ireland, identifying itself as broadly within the platformist tradition of Nestor Makhno. The anarchist communist tradition is the main tradition within the left-wing (the right wing being the state-socialist/authoritarian Marxist tradition) of the revolutionary socialist/labor movement-its main theorists historically were Peter Kropotkin and Errico Malatesta.The organisation was established in 1984 and publishes the paper Workers Solidarity and the magazine Irish Anarchist Review.

The structure of the Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) is based on federalism as set out in the platform. It also has a contact system and supporter system for those who cannot commit as much time or energy to anarchism but who wish to get involved somehow. The WSM aims for the direct participation and input from all its members in debating and formulating theory and policy -it is the opposite of the top down authoritarian socialist/republican parties in this respect. Potential contacts/supporters or members can self register at http://www.wsm.ie/user/register .

The WSM aims for the complete re-organisation of society along anarchist communist lines. That is a society free from domination, oppression and economic exploitation. This means the formation of community/workplace assemblies in each area which will take over the running of localities through a form of direct democracy and de-centralised federalism. These assemblies will vote for councils which will administer the affairs of their respective area/work places, however final executive power will rest in the mass assemblies. The councils will be based on rotating delegates who are most likely volunteers and will federate together on a local, regional, provincial, national and international level, at all times remaining accountable and revocable by the council who voted the delegates in and finally by the mass assemblies at the base. In this respect power flows from the base and not the top. Through the process of revolution the instruments for production (factories, farms, offices, public services) will be taken under direct community ownership and socialised.The workers will operate the workplaces as agencies, in control of their own destinies, only subject to the contracts they have collectively, voluntarily and freely entered into with other workplaces and the community as a whole. However, the workplaces will belong to the community at large. This will be necessary as no area or workplace can be self-sustaining. Therefore, a system of interlinking contracts and one of mutual aid will arise. Wayne Price has described the basic principle of an anarchist society as 'as much de-centralisation as is maximally possible, and as much centralisation as is necessary'.

