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Worker Protection Standard

The Worker Protection Standard is intended to protect employees on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses that are occupationally exposed to agricultural pesticides.

This is managed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and is separate from the Hazard Communication Standard managed by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The EPA registers pesticides and insecticides as either unclassified or restricted use pesticide (RUP). Unclassified pesticide is available over-the-counter. This program exists in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture.

Two items are required by law for all registered pesticides and insecticides.

The product label describes how to use the product.

The Material Safety Data Sheet provides specific safety and hazard information, and this must be provided to physicians in the event that the product has been misused so that appropriate diagnostic testing and treatment can be obtained in a timely manner.

RUP requires license for purchase. The process required to obtain a pest control licenses is regulated by a combination of state laws, federal laws, common law, and private company policies.

All RUP applications must be recorded to identify the date, location, and type of pesticide applied. Federal law requires a minimum record retention period, which may be three years or longer depending upon state laws.

There are two categories of license: supervisor and applicator. A pest control supervisor license is required to purchase RUP and keep records. The pest control supervisor must ensure pest control applicators are competent to use any restricted use products.

Further information can be obtained from the following organizations.

40 CFR Part 170 requires the following in the United States.

The United States Department of Defense manages safety independent of OSHA and EPA. Spills, mishaps, illnesses, and injuries are not normally handled in accordance with local, state and federal law.

