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Women's Manifesto for Ghana

The Women's Manifesto for Ghana is a political statement by Ghanaian women demanding rights and equality. The statement was issued in 2004 and continues to influence feminist organizing in Ghana.

The Manifesto came out of increased women's organizing in Ghana, particularly around a Domestic Violence Bill and the 2000 elections. This organizing also coincided with a number of murders of women in Accra, which triggered protests at Osu Castle. Activists also opposed the creation of a Ministry of Women's Affairs, which they believed would ghettoize women's issues

The mobilizing campaign was supported by NETRIGHT, the Network for Women's Rights in Ghana, and by ABANTU for Development, an NGO founded by African women in Europe. Organizers refused support from donors who wanted to alter the parameters of the campaign.

A meeting was held to convene women from Ghana's 110 districts, and discover similarities and differences in women's issues across the country. These meetings generated a long list of cultural practices, such as inequality in marriage and education, that the group wanted to change. Three organizers said in an interview that they were surprised by the group's ability to reach consensus on the goals of the women's movement while drafting the document.

The Manifesto calls for equal female participation in the government of Ghana, demanding that the legislature become 30% female by 2008 and 50% female by 2012. It also stipulates equal female participation in leadership of political parties.

The document also describes everyday conditions for women in Ghana, and demands that the government takes steps to ensure women's human rights by 2010. It demands that the government ensure women's access to safe and effective reproductive health care, including abortions.

The Manifesto recognizes the role of economic inequality in maintaining oppression of women and poor people, and demands a minimum income for all Ghanaians.

The Manifesto describes the special needs and challenges of women with disabilities: difficulty in accessing necessary resources and increased rates of sexual abuse.

The Women's Manifesto for Ghana was released at the Accra International Conference Centre on 2 September 2004. The document gained wide publicity despite the government's release of a new gender policy on the previous day. The manifesto sought to know and solve the problems that were affecting women.

