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Wiltshire Emergency Services

Wiltshire Emergency Services was a collaboration of the emergency services in Wiltshire, England, including Wiltshire Police, Great Western Ambulance Service and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. The primary element of this collaboration was the joint control centre in Devizes, which is now operated by the Wiltshire Police only. As both Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Great Western Ambulance Service have ceased to exist through mergers with other services, the dedicated Wiltshire Emergency Services collaboration has been abandoned in favor of collaborations between services across wider geographical areas.

The Wiltshire Emergency Services project was set up in February 1998 to investigate the feasibility of re-locating all control rooms into one emergency communications centre building, as well sharing information and services.

The plot chosen for the emergency communications centre was on the Wiltshire Police headquarters site on London Road, Devizes, which was owned by Wiltshire Police Authority.

After extensive consultation it wasn't until July 1999 that the £2.6 million required funding was secured under the Governments 'Invest to Save' Scheme.

The new building called the Wiltshire Emergency Communications Centre (later known as the Wiltshire Emergency Services Building, or WES Building) was opened by the Duchess of Gloucester in a small ceremony in November 2003.

The Wiltshire Emergency Services building project broke ground in 2001 when the existing Llewellyn Building was demolished and the WES building was built on top. The building is a two tiered building at London Road, Devizes and was home to all three emergency service's control rooms, as well as a conference room, staff rooms, offices and facilities. The Emergency Communications Centre was also intended to act as a base in the event of a major incident.

