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William de Lauder

William de Lauder [Lawedre] (born c. 1380 – 14 June 1425) was bishop of Glasgow and Lord Chancellor of Scotland.

Sometimes given (wrongly) as a son of Alan Lauder of Haltoun, he was in fact the son of Sir Robert de Lawedre of Edrington, and The Bass, by his spouse Annabella. William was brother-german to Alexander de Lawedre, Bishop of Dunkeld.

William Lauder was educated at the University of Paris where he took a great interest in its affairs and eventually became Rector. He graduated with a Doctorate in Canon Law In 1392, while still at university, he was given the parish church of St. Eligius, a benefice in the gift of the Bishop, dean and chapter of St. Malo. He also appears on the Roll of the University of Angers where he spent some time studying and lecturing.

Before 1404, William Lauder had the Archdeaconry of Lothian conferred on him by Bishop Wardlaw of St.Andrews, as well as holding a canonry and prebend in Moray. In 1405 Lauder unsuccessfully sued in the Curia for the Precentorship of Glasgow. "Willielmus de Lawadir, Archdeacon of Lothian, accompanied by Alanus de Lawedir de Scotia" (his brother) had a safe-conduct from King Henry IV dated 18 September 1404 with another the following year.

He was 'preferred' and appointed to the bishopric of Glasgow by Avignon Pope Benedict XIII on 9 July 1408, and not by election of the Chapter. The Chapter did not challenge his selection, however, and Bishop Dowden suggests that he went to Avignon to receive consecration, returning after Martinmas the same year. This seems to be supported by an indult dated 11 July 1408 for him to be consecrated elsewhere, and it is likely that occurred in France. On 24 October, King Henry IV of England granted "William de Lawedre, Bishop of Glasgow" safe conduct to pass through the Kingdom of England to the Kingdom of France.

