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William Skinner (bishop)

William Skinner (1778–1857), was bishop of Aberdeen in the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Skinner, second son of John Skinner (1744–1816), bishop of St. Andrews, was born at Aberdeen on 24 October 1778, and educated at Marischal College, University of Aberdeen and at Oxford, where he matriculated from Wadham College on 3 March 1798, graduating B.A. in 1801, and M.A., B.D., and D.D. in 1819. William Stevens, the friend of Bishop Horne, and Jones of Nayland defrayed part of his university expenses. If Stevens had not done this, John Skinner would not have been financially able to send his som William to Oxford. Having William attend Oxford was important to him as a way of showing "his own personal conviction of the full communion which existed between the English and Scottish Churches."

Skinner was ordained by Bishop Samuel Horsley of St. Asaph's in March 1802. Returning to Scotland, he officiated as assistant, and afterwards as colleague, to his father in the incumbency of St. Andrew's Church, Aberdeen. On 11 September 1816 he was elected by the clergy of the diocese as successor to his father in the see of Aberdeen, and was consecrated at Stirling on 27 October 1816. The consecraters were the Primus and the Bishops of Edinburgh, Dunkeld, and Murray."George Gleig, primus of the church, sent a severe but fruitless reproof to the dean and clergy of Aberdeen for electing the son of their late bishop.

