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Will Jackson (Wentworth)

Will Jackson
Wentworth character
First appearance No Place Like Home"
Created by Lara Radulovich
Portrayed by Robbie Magasiva
Status Alive
Duration 2013-
Full name William Jackson
Occupation Social worker (formerly)
Correctional officer
Deputy Governor
Affiliation Wentworth Prison
Bea Smith
Vera Bennett
Matthew Fletcher
Significant other(s) Meg Jackson (wife; deceased)
Rose Atkins

William "Will" Jackson is a character in Wentworth Prison. Will is portrayed by Robbie Magasiva. Will is notable for his friendships with Matthew Fletcher and Bea Smith. Will has also been involved in a one-sided notable rivalry with Joan Ferguson. Despite being credited, Will was absent in the episode "The Long Game".

Magasiva talked about getting the role. He said "It was an interesting time. It was a learning curve for me. If the whole idea was to get into a room with a casting director and make an impression I did what I came for. They've seen my work and have me in mind, so I've achieved that. I came back thinking it was the most impossible thing to do, there's no chance of me ever kind of making it there. But I came back and thought if I put in the hard work and keep on doing what I'm doing it is doable."

Before his wife's death, Will seemed to be a very easy going officer. He was quite relaxed around the prisoners. Like his colleague, Vera Bennett, he cared about the women, and got involved in prison life, but unlike Vera, he didn't get too concerned with the prisoners problems.

Will was a social worker before becoming a prison officer, during his time as a social worker, he removed a baby from a prisoner, who was later murdered because of her inappropriate relationship with an officer.

Will is first seen processing Bea (Danielle Cormack) when she is brought into Wentworth Prison. Will then is seen flirting with Meg and is caught by Matthew Fletcher (Aaron Jeffery). Will then takes Bea out for a smoke when she is in the slots. The episode ends with Will finding Meg dead and Bea covered in her blood.

Following Meg’s death, Will was seen watching the interviews of the prisoners on his laptop. When Doreen and Kaiya make a picture for Will, he rips it up in front of them.

Will continues to investigate the death of his wife Meg, he the discovers how his friend Fletch and Meg had a peculiar relationship. Will later discovers that his wife Meg had an abortion sometime before she died, Fletch had to help him come to his senses after he got so high on cocaine and nearly overdosed. Soon after, Will is blackmailed by Jacs Holt when he confronts her about catching Brayden and Debbie doing drugs.

