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Wilhelm Wiegand

Wilhelm Wiegand (5 November 1851, Ellrich – 8 March 1915, Strasbourg) was a German archivist and historian. He is best known for his research of Alsatian history and his publications involving Frederick the Great.

In 1874 he received his doctorate at the University of Strasbourg with the dissertation-thesis Die Vorreden Friedrichs des Grossen zur "Histoire de mon temps". From 1876 he worked as an archivist for the city of Strasbourg. In 1878 he obtained his habilitation from the university with a thesis titled "Bellum Waltherianum". From 1883, with philologist Ernst Martin, he was editor of the journal "Strassburger studien; zeitschrift für geschichte, sprache und litteratur des Elsasses" (Strassburg studies; magazine on the history, language and literature of Alsace).

He was also the author of numerous biographies in the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie.

