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Wilfred Mott

Wilfred Mott
Doctor Who character
Wilfred Mott.jpg
Wilfred Mott in "Voyage of the Damned"
First appearance "Voyage of the Damned" (2007)
Last appearance The End of Time (2010)
Portrayed by Bernard Cribbins
Affiliated Tenth Doctor
Donna Noble
Species Human
Home planet Earth
Home era Early 21st century

Wilfred "Wilf" Mott is a recurring fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, played by Bernard Cribbins. He is the grandfather of the Tenth Doctor's companion Donna Noble, and father of character Sylvia Noble. As companion to the Doctor, an alien Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, Donna travelled through space and time in the show's 2008 series, having numerous adventures. A believer in extraterrestrial life himself, Wilf was proud of his granddaughter's adventures and helped to keep them a secret from her overbearing mother. Wilf later became the Tenth Doctor's final companion in The End of Time.

Cribbins was originally intended to appear only in the 2007 Christmas special, "Voyage of the Damned", but when Howard Attfield was forced to retire from his role as Donna's father due to illness (Attfield subsequently died), creator Russell T Davies reconceived Cribbins' role as Donna's grandfather and replaced Attfield with him for the fourth series.

Wilfred Mott first appears in "Voyage of the Damned" (2007). The Doctor and Astrid meet him shortly after teleporting down to Earth. He mans a newspaper stand and is one of the few people to remain in London over Christmas following the bizarre events during each Christmas in recent years ("The Christmas Invasion" and "The Runaway Bride"). He is a staunch monarchist. He witnesses the Doctor and Astrid being teleported back to the intergalactic cruiser Titanic.

