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Wildstar (DC Comics)

Wildstar 01.jpg
Publication information
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance R.E.B.E.L.S. Vol 2 #2 (May, 2009)
Created by Tony Bedard
Andy Clarke
In-story information
Alter ego Wildstar
Species Metahuman
Place of origin Starhaven(21st century)
Team affiliations R.E.B.E.L.S.
Abilities Flight (superluminal), long-range tracking, Composed of "anti-energy"; super strength, flight, energy blasts and manipulation, minor object conjuration

Wildstar is a fictional superheroine in comic books published by DC Comics. She is the 21st century ancestor of Dawnstar of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Her powers are a combination of Dawnstar and Wildfire.

Wildstar was born on the planet Starhaven a planet colonized by people of Anasazi Indian heritage from Earth. The Anasazi tribe was abducted by the Athranian genetic engineers, who hoped to use them as test subjects. However, the Athranians were overthrown by Spider Guild. The Anasazi tribe were left to their own devices. The genetic experiments endow them with wings and the ability to survive in space without oxygen or protection from the rigours of space.

Wildstar was born a mutant of her people as she had the innate tracking ability, which manifested itself as the knack to find anyone in her village and see hidden things. However, she was also born with deformed wings, which led to her being shunned by her tribe. Mocked and ignored by her peers, she lived alone.

Some time around the Final Crisis, Vril Dox came to Starhaven seeking a volunteer for his second R.E.B.E.L.S. team to combat L.E.G.I.O.N.. The chief, Chief Night Sky seeing a way to rid himself of a nuisance, sent the old woman out with the alien. Vril Dox saw great potential in her power for tracking people. Vril Dox promised her that if she comes with him and joins the team he will give her the power of flight. Wildstar with this knowledge agrees to go with the strange visitor.

Subsequently, Vril Dox kept his promise, but not exactly in the way Wildstar expected. He strapped her into a machine and turned her into an anti-energy being similar to Wildfire and placed her in a containment suit which gave her the power of flight as well as powerful anti-energy blasts from her visor.

They go to the planet Cairn, where L.E.G.I.O.N. has driven off Garv and Garryn Bek, but Strata and Bounder still fight on. They recruit them both on to the team and begin their investigation into Starro.

