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Vandal Fighter, as the name suggests, is a descendant of the original CryptoDerk's VandalFighter. User:Henna has been roped into taking over maintenance for it.
Download the topmost vf.jar file.
ALWAYS make a backup of vfdata.dat before trying out a new version.
Feel perfectly free to add feature requests, or bugs, just leave your name so I can find you if I need more info and you're not watching this page :). Please leave the hints and releases alone apart from editing. It's perfectly alright to fix links, language and such. Just leave them uncluttered :)
Vandal Fighter connects to an Internet Relay Chat server, with a special . It reads the changes data from here, which means it doesn't have to query the database at all. Relevant information is then added to a table (see screenshot).
Note: Though you can use any browser, it's probably easiest if you use a browser that supports tabbed browsing (e.g. Firefox 2+ or IE7+) and set it to open links from an external program in a new tab.
To assist in sorting the good from the bad, the following features are present
Additional behind-the-scenes functionality includes:
You will need the Java 2 Runtime Environment (J2RE, or JRE) version 1.6. If you do not know if you have this installed, you can attempt to run the program, but if it does not work, you will need to download the JRE. Here is a link to the latest JRE: click on Download Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.
All that you need to do is download the 'jar' file, run it, and click the connect button. If you're using the command line, run java -jar vf.jar
Note: hekla.rave.org is not available