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Wikipedia:User contributions

User contributions pages are automatically generated pages that list any change, deletion or addition that an individual user has made in any namespace on the English .

You can check your own contributions to refresh your memory about which pages you have worked on (and to easily access them again), and also to find out whether there have been any subsequent edits (see item 18 in the Using section below). This can be a useful quick alternative to accessing your watchlist, particularly if your watchlist contains a large number of pages. Other users' user contribution pages can also be accessed and are useful for seeing how other users have contributed. They can be used to track down vandalism, serial copyright violations, etc.

Bear in mind that a public IP address may have been used by different users at different times. Equally, a given user may have used multiple IP addresses and/or usernames (which may well be illegitimate use of multiple accounts, or "sockpuppetry"). Where a user legitimately uses alternative accounts, the alternative accounts should be clearly identified by the user. In any case each account or IP address will have its own contributions page.

Below is an example of a user contributions page:
Example of a user contributions page

Not shown in this example: some edits may be automatically tagged by the abuse filter (example: (Tag: references removed)); any tags applied appear after the edit summary. Tags cannot be added or removed manually, and are intended to help editors identify potential problem edits for examination; they do not prove that an edit is problematic.

Administrators and other users with special tools may have additional options on contributions pages.

The following information normally does not appear:

Contributions are made by editing existing pages (simply click the Edit tab on a page you're interested in contributing to) or creating new pages (for example via the Article Wizard). You must register an account and be logged in in order to create new pages.

