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Task forces will generally not have their own talk page banners; instead, they are integrated directly into the parent project's banner via an optional parameter. For example, {{}} includes a large number of task force parameters. It is possible to use this integration to automatically generate assessment data for a task force based on the assessments entered for the main project; this ensures that task forces don't need to conduct assessments independently.

Task forces are primarily a social construct, but each usually has the following items associated with it.

Each task force usually has the following sections on its page:

Additionally, it may have these:

The other items a task force usually has are:

A task force will usually rely on its parent project for some of the administrative and bureaucratic structure. More detail is below, in the section "Setting up a task force structure", but some of the items are:

Sometimes it helps to see actual task forces in action. The projects that currently have the most task forces are (counts as of 15 March 2009):

Some task forces have sub-task forces. These cover a section of the parent task force's scope, but the infrastructure is also provided by the parent project.

Often, a task force starts as a group of editors that are already working together and already have communication patterns in place. Small task forces need to make a particular effort to centralize their discussions on the task force's pages. When no one posts to the task force's talk page, some editors will assume that no one is doing anything. This makes it hard for new editors to join your group. You can create a critical mass of conversation by sharing information and ideas that might interest task force participants on the group's talk page. If nothing else, report on your progress, or announce the article that you want to work on next.

Since this section is quite incomplete, it may be useful to read (you'll need to expand the "Creating a new task force" section).

It may also be useful to have a "New task force proposals page" attached to your project.

Task forces will generally not have their own talk page banners; instead, they are integrated directly into the parent project's banner via an optional parameter. For example, {{}} includes a large number of task force parameters. It is possible to use this integration to automatically generate assessment data for a task force based on the assessments entered for the main project; this ensures that task forces don't need to conduct assessments independently.

As to how to actually implement this, you'll need to investigate the examples of {{}} and {{}}, although it may also help to review Advanced project banners; this doesn't cover that topic, but does cover a number of others.

