Special pages are pages that have no , but are generated by the software on demand. They are found in the "Special:" namespace. It is not possible to make a redirect to a special page, or to create normal pages beginning with the "Special:" prefix.
Special pages often take arguments. Sometimes these can be supplied after a slash (as in ); in other cases an index.php call is used, as in . Also the content of some special pages depends on preferences that have been set by the user, e.g. classic or enhanced Recent Changes, the number of titles in Recent Changes and the watchlist, etc.
The following pages can be accessed only by users with certain privileges.
The following special pages are stored, but are not currently updated. Some of these pages have analogues on the WP:Toolserver.
To create a link to a special page:
It can take a label:
To present the list on a page, transclude the name:
More information on transcludable special pages can be found at .
The term in the site language equivalent to English "Special" is used in each project, for example:
These also appear in the URLs. The English word "Special" always works, even on foreign-language sites.