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Wikipedia:Proposed deletion

Proposed deletion (PROD) is a way to suggest an article or file for uncontroversial deletion. It is an easier method of removing articles or files than the articles for deletion (AfD) or files for discussion (FfD) processes, and is meant for uncomplicated deletion proposals that do not meet the strict criteria for speedy deletion.

PROD must only be used if no opposition to the deletion is expected. It must never be used simultaneously with a deletion discussion (AfD or FfD), and it may only be placed on a page a single time. Any editor (including the article's creator or the file's uploader) may object to the deletion by simply removing the tag; this action permanently cancels the proposed deletion via PROD.

A nominated page is marked for at least seven days; if nobody objects, it is considered by an uninvolved administrator, who reviews the page and may delete it or may remove the PROD tag. The first objection kills the PROD, and anyone may object as long as the PROD tag is present. Even after it has been deleted, anyone may have a PRODed article or file restored through a request for undeletion. By the same logic, PROD is one-shot only: It must not be used for pages PRODed before or previously discussed at AfD or FfD.

A special case is BLPPROD: an article which has had the BLPPROD-tag removed still can be PRODed via the process described here.

PROD is only applicable to mainspace articles, lists, set indices, disambiguation pages, and files not on Commons. Books may also be proposed for deletion, using a similar process. Proposed deletion cannot be used with redirects, user pages (except user books), templates, categories, or pages in any other namespace.

