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Wikipedia:Office actions

The most common complaints are defamation, privacy violations and copyright infringement.

Because "official edits" may seem strange in the context of an openly editable encyclopedia, some common causes for confusion should be clarified:

When a page is modified under this policy, the template {{}} will be placed prominently on the page and the page will be protected. In some cases, an article may be reduced to a few sentences to remove questionable content, and people then invited to build it up to a more reputable state. This will be indicated by the template {{}}. In either case, the instructions on the template should be followed by everyone.

Administrators, who have the technical power to undo protections and deletions, are strongly cautioned against modifying these edits. Official statements and past incidents indicate that such unauthorized modifications will be actively reverted, and possibly the rights of the modifier will be revoked. When in doubt, consult the user applying the protection/template, or the .

If there is any question as to whether an action is an authorized OFFICE action, please write to Maggie Dennis.

For images that have been deleted for copyright reasons, enter the name / description into a search engine to see what they looked like. If you see similar images bring them to the attention of the Office. The list below contains some pages or articles that are currently protected by the Office.

For an automated, up-to-date list derived from {{}}, see .

In the event that material is removed due to a DMCA notice, the only recourse for restoring such material is to file a counter-notice with the Foundation. If you believe that a take-down notice which has been acted upon by the Foundation is without legal basis, please feel free to visit the following sites as a first step in learning about filing a counter-notice:

Please note that filing a counter-notice may lead to legal proceedings between you and the complaining party to determine ownership of the material. The DMCA process requires that you consent to the jurisdiction of a United States court. All notices should be sent to the Foundation's .

