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— Flags: enabled

— Flags: enabled

This is the edit filter noticeboard, for coordination and discussion of edit filter use and management.

If you wish to request an edit filter, please post at WP:Edit filter/Requested. If you would like to report a false positive, please post at WP:Edit filter/False positives.

Private filters should not be discussed in detail here; please email an if you have specific concerns or questions about the content of hidden filters.

There are currently and 12 stale filters with no hits in the past 30 days (Purge). See also the edit filter graphs

Pinging @Xaosflux and MusikAnimal:. While making a pass through fully protected templates to see which ones are still needed and which ones merit template protection, I came across . Ostensibly it's supposed to allow users to exempt their userpages from the edit filter, but according to it has not been implemented yet. Is it worth doing so? Jo-Jo Eumerus (, ) 16:39, 25 March 2017 (UTC)

I've set to disallow. It's designed to prevent (persistent, long term, never-ending, obsessive) disruption from the sandbox troll. -- zzuuzz 09:23, 10 April 2017 (UTC)

Undocumented messages, or not used in the supposed page:

Messages attributed to disabled/deleted filters:

Some of these messages need to be updated to reflect currently active filters that use them. Others might be deleted as G6 when they are unused in active filters. Jo-Jo Eumerus (, ) 18:42, 14 April 2017 (UTC)

