*** Welcome to piglix ***


Running an automated bot on a separate account requires approval, which may be requested at .

Some programming experience is needed to create a bot and knowledge of regular expressions is useful for many editing tasks.

There is no way of hiding specific bots through user preferences or default watchlist settings. However, it is possible with a user script by following these simple steps.

While you are completely free to ignore any bots (or users) you want, it is a good idea to only ignore bots with well-defined tasks, which you trust to not make any mistakes.

There is no way of hiding AWB edits through user preferences or default watchlist settings. However, it is possible with a user script by following these simple steps.

Declared AWB edits will now be hidden by default. You may display them by clicking on the "show AWB" tab at the top of your watchlist (next to "Special page" for Monobook skin, or in the "More" dropdown for Vector skin).


Some examples of bots are:

