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Emblem-WikiVote.svg 2016 Arbitration Committee Elections


Following the voting period, the scrutineers examined the votes, and released a tally of the results. The tally ranks candidates by their performance according to the criteria for success in this election, defined as the number of votes cast in support of the candidate divided by the total number of votes cast both for and against (commonly described as "support over support plus oppose" or "S/(S+O)"). "Neutral" preferences are not counted in this metric. A total of were cast (including duplicates) and 1942 votes were determined to be valid.

For 2016, eight current arbitrators will remain on the committee. The committee will continue to have 15 seats, leaving seven vacant seats with two-year terms (January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018) to be filled in this election. In the event that any of the eight arbitrators with unexpired terms resign or otherwise leave the committee before the start of voting on 21 November, the seat they vacate will be filled, up to one for a two-year term, with any further being for one-year terms. Seats will be filled based on support percentage, as calculated by . There will be a neutral option; choosing this option will not affect the support percentage for the candidate, and will be treated as though you did not vote in the election with respect to that candidate. The minimum support percentage is 50%. If there are more vacancies than candidates with 50% support, those seats will remain vacant.

