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Wide Awake (novel)

Wide Awake is a speculative fiction novel by David Levithan set in the near future, after fictitious events such as The Greater Depression (a.k.a. The Debt, Deficit, and Fuel Depression), the establishment of Worldwide Health Care, and The Reign of Fear, which included The War to End All Wars.

Duncan Weiss - the gay Jewish protagonist of the story. He is in a serious relationship with Jimmy Jones.

James "Jimmy" Jones — Duncan's boyfriend. He is African-American.

Mira — a Chinese-American girl who was in a long-term relationship with Keisha.

Keisha — an African-American girl who is caught in a love triangle between Mira and Sara.

Sara — a college student who has taken the semester off to help Stein's campaign.

Janna — a Jesus Freak who is best friends with Mandy. Her parents were involved with the Jesus Revolution from the start.

Mandy — a Jesus Freak who is best friends with Janna. Her family were nonbelievers until, while her father was out of work and her mother was undergoing treatment for cancer, they attended church with Mandy's aunt.

Gus — a gay Jesus Freak postconsumer activist. He has an unusual manner of speech.

Sue — a friend of Duncan's; who's trans father left him when he was young.

Jesse Marin — the son of Decent parents. He antagonizes the students who support Stein's campaign.

Satch — a friend of Jesse's.

Mary Catherine - Cathy is a former friend of Janna and Mandy's. She became a Decent and changed her name to Mary Catherine, and broke off all further contact with her former friends.

Abraham Stein — the gay Jewish candidate for President of the United States. He has a 45-year-old husband, Ron, and two children, Jeffrey and Jess. His running mate is Alice Martinez. It is possible that Stein is based on the gay Jewish writer Gertrude Stein.

Mr. Cotter — the Principal of Duncan's school.

Mr. Farnsworth — one of the teachers at Duncan's school. He warns Duncan not to provoke Mr. Davis in class.

Mr. Davis — a Decent teacher at Duncan's school. He is an Iraq War re-enactor.

Ms. Kaye — the 65-year-old librarian at Duncan's school. She supports the Stein/Martinez campaign.

Holy Ghostwriter — a Jesus Revolution pop act. Songs include "I Freak Out For Jesus".

The novel opens with the revelation that the United States has just elected into power Abe Stein, its first openly gay (and Jewish) president. Alongside running mate Alice Martinez, Stein won a tight race by the mere margin of 1,000 Kansas votes, signalling a watershed for progressive politics, which take the limelight for the first time in decades.

