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Whitney's embedding theorem

In mathematics, particularly in differential topology, there are two Whitney embedding theorems, named after Hassler Whitney:

The general outline of the proof is to start with an immersion f : MR2m with transverse self-intersections. These are known to exist from Whitney's earlier work on the weak immersion theorem. Transversality of the double points follows from a general-position argument. The idea is to then somehow remove all the self-intersections. If M has boundary, one can remove the self-intersections simply by isotoping M into itself (the isotopy being in the domain of f), to a submanifold of M that does not contain the double-points. Thus, we are quickly led to the case where M has no boundary. Sometimes it is impossible to remove the double-points via an isotopy—consider for example the figure-8 immersion of the circle in the plane. In this case, one needs to introduce a local double point.

Once one has two opposite double points, one constructs a closed loop connecting the two, giving a closed path in R2m. Since R2m is simply connected, one can assume this path bounds a disc, and provided 2m > 4 one can further assume (by the weak Whitney embedding theorem) that the disc is embedded in R2m such that it intersects the image of M only in its boundary. Whitney then uses the disc to create a 1-parameter family of immersions, in effect pushing M across the disc, removing the two double points in the process. In the case of the figure-8 immersion with its introduced double-point, the push across move is quite simple (pictured).

This process of eliminating opposite sign double-points by pushing the manifold along a disc is called the Whitney Trick.

To introduce a local double point, Whitney created a family of immersions αm : RmR2m which are approximately linear outside of the unit ball, but containing a single double point. For m = 1 such an immersion is given by

