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White Council

In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, the White Council is a group of elves and wizards of Middle-earth, formed to contest the growing power of Dol Guldur (Sauron's stronghold in Mirkwood), at the request of Galadriel, the co-ruler of Lothlorien. In the narrative, it is officially the Second White Council, a successor of that of the Second Age.

Little is known about the First White Council, the members of which were mostly the same as the Second, but led by Gil-galad and not including the Istari (wizards). It was formed after Sauron's defeat in Eriador in S.A. 1701. Its main decision was that Eregion was to be abandoned in favour of Imladris.

The Second White Council's membership included the Wizards Saruman the White, Radagast the Brown, Gandalf the Grey, and the chiefs and rulers of the Eldar, including Lady Galadriel of Lothlórien, Master Elrond of Imladris and Círdan the Shipwright of the Grey Havens. Saruman was the head of the White Council, against the wishes of Galadriel, who later described this as the beginning of the long defeat. Other possible members are said to be among the mightiest of Elves: the Elf-lord Glorfindel; Elrond's chief counsellor Erestor; and, Celeborn, Galadriel's husband, whom Galadriel herself called "Wise". The two Blue Wizards were not part of the Council. Tolkien does not give a list of all the members of the council; "other lords of the Eldar" is as close as The Silmarillion gives to a list. Unbeknownst to the other members of the Council, Círdan (and later Gandalf), Galadriel, and Elrond were also the bearers of the Three Rings of the Elves.

