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Wheel graph

Wheel graph
Wheel graphs.svg
Several examples of wheel graphs
Vertices n
Edges 2(n − 1)
Diameter 2 if n>4
1 if n=4
Girth 3
Chromatic number 3 if n is odd
4 if n is even
Properties Hamiltonian
Notation Wn

In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a wheel graph is a graph formed by connecting a single vertex to all vertices of a cycle. A wheel graph with n vertices can also be defined as the 1-skeleton of an (n-1)-gonal pyramid. Some authors write Wn to denote a wheel graph with n vertices (n ≥ 4); other authors instead use Wn to denote a wheel graph with n+1 vertices (n ≥ 3), which is formed by connecting a single vertex to all vertices of a cycle of length n. In the rest of this article we use the former notation.

Given a vertex set of {1,2,3,…,v}, the edge set of the wheel graph can be represented in set-builder notation by {{1,2},{1,3},…,{1,v},{2,3},{3,4},…,{v-1,v},{v,2}}.

Wheel graphs are planar graphs, and as such have a unique planar embedding. More specifically, every wheel graph is a Halin graph. They are self-dual: the planar dual of any wheel graph is an isomorphic graph. Every maximal planar graph, other than K4 = W4, contains as a subgraph either W5 or W6.

There is always a Hamiltonian cycle in the wheel graph and there are cycles in Wn (sequence in the OEIS).

