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Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten

"Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten" (He who allows dear God to rule him) is a 1641 hymn by Georg Neumark, who also composed the melody for it. It has seven verses and deals with the Christian putting their trust in God. Its author referred to it as a "Trostlied" or song of consolation and it first appeared in his Fortgepflantzer musikalisch-poetischer Lustwald (published in Jena in 1657). It also appeared in Johann Crüger's 1672 Praxis pietatis melica and in the first part of Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen's 1704 Geistreiches Gesangbuch.

Twenty other melodies have since been written for the text, though none have reached the same popularity as the original. The original melody has been used for several other hymns and become one of the main melodies in Protestant hymnody. In a widespread print version with two ♭ - signs, it is in the key of G minor - Neumark's original version only has one ♭.

Melody in 3/2 time by Georg Neumark 1657

{ \key f \major \time 3/2 
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
\tempo 2=100
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "english horn"
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##t 
 \repeat volta 2 {d'2 g' a' bes'1 a'2 g'1 a'2 fis'2 d' r f' f' e' d'1 g'2 g'1 fis'2 g'1.
 \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t}
 {bes'2 bes' c''  d''1 d''2 c''1 bes'2 bes'1. bes'2 a' g' fis'1 g'2 g'1 fis'2 g'1. \bar "|."}

Version of melody in 4/4 time used by J. S. Bach

{ \key bes \major \time 4/4 
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "english horn"
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##t 
  \set Score.timing = ##t   
\repeat volta 2 { \small \partial 4 d'4 g'4 a'4 bes'4 a'4 g'4 a'8 g'8 fis'4 d'4 
\override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t 
r4 f'4 f'4 es'4 \bar "|" \break d'4 g'4 g'4 fis'4 g'2 r4 }  
{ a'4 bes'4 c''4 d''4 d''4 \bar "|" \break c''4. bes'8 bes'4 d''4 
  c''4 bes'4 a'4 g'8 a'8 bes'4 a'4 g'4 \bar "|." }
{ \small \set stanza = #"1. " 
{ Wer nur den lie -- ben Gott läßt _ wal -- ten und hof -- fet auf ihn al -- le -- zeit, } 
\new Lyrics { \small den wird er wun -- der -- bar er _ -- hal -- ten in al -- ler Not und Trau -- rig -- keit. }  
Wer Gott dem Al -- ler -- höch -- sten traut, der hat auf kei -- nen __ _ Sand ge -- baut.

