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Weapons of Andromeda

The Andromeda fictional universe contains a large number of offensive and defensive weapons of varying degree of power.

The television series Andromeda utilizes many types of weapons, ranging from energy weapons, projectiles to point singularity weapons. Most projectile weapons carry some sort of limited intelligence allowing them to be more effective in combat. High Guard war-ships are able to produce their own projectiles on board with raw materials.

The anti-proton cannons are energy based weapons which fire at just under the speed of light (99 PSL), the anti-protons that hit the mass destroy it on impact.

Point defense lasers (PDLs) are tasked with neutralizing and suppressing incoming enemy ordnance (such as missiles, drones etc...) and/or enemy fighters. On their own they can inflict a fair amount of damage on enemy ships.

Smart missiles rely on ship sensors and their own onboard sensors to track their targets. Smart missiles can reach speeds of up to 90 PSL. They are designed to be fired in a range of 1 AU or less, however variants exist that can reach up to 3 AU. Once fired a smart missile can be "called home" or disarmed during flight.

Tiny bullets with sensors which they use to home in on their target. They are generally fired in swarms.

A point singularity projector fires mini-black holes at its target, the Magog generally use these weapons on their Swarm ships and the World ship. These weapons inflict heavy damage and can destroy a ship very quickly.

The Nova Bomb is a weapon with the power to destroy a solar system. It utilizes a powerful fictional element called Voltarium. It is then fired into the core of a star where it reverses the gravity in an area larger than that of the star. The internal pressure of the star then creates a nova, destroying everything in the star's vicinity. On a smaller scale, it can destroy a planet, like the planet Samsarra in the episode "Point of the Spear". In episode 2 of season 1 all of the ship's 40 nova bombs are fired into a black hole, unleashing an explosive power equaling 2 million Teratons of TNT and turning the black hole into a white hole or "a miniature version of the Big Bang".

