The Wasserwacht (German pronunciation: [ˈvasɐvaxt]; water watch or water guard) is a German lifeguard service. It is one of the five voluntary societies of the German Red Cross. The Wasserwacht is a non-profit organization made up of on volunteers.
The main task of the Wasserwacht is the prevention of drowning. The Wasserwacht's activities encompass many areas, including:
A task of the Wasserwacht is the training of nonswimmers and the continuation of swimming education among the population. Badges are awarded based on the level of education, and begin with the "Seepferdchen" (early certificate) up to the Gold German Swimming Badge.
This group is responsible for the education and training of lifeguards, swiftwater rescuers and rescue swimmers. It cooperates with German civil protection and German fire services, especially concerning floods.
The Wasserwacht provides live-saving services on most lakes in as well as on the coast of Germany. Therefore they require fast and powerful transportation in case of an emergency. The Wasserwacht oversees regattas and sailing meetings.
Rescue divers are needed for the salvaging of goods, vehicles, garbage, and corpses. The education of a rescue diver usually takes one to two years. Each active rescue diver of the Wasserwacht is required to undergo a dive-medical investigation annually.
A task of the Wasserwacht is helping to keep nature and waterways clean.
In order to accomplish these tasks the Wasserwacht educates interested people with qualified technical abilities from the other departments of the German Red Cross.
The Bavarian city Regensburg is considered to be the birthplace of the lifeguard service of the German Red Cross. In 1883, during a flood, German Red Cross aids were used for the first time. In the following years, "Sanität und Wasserwehrkolonnen" (medical and water rescue stations) developed along the coast and inland waters.