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Walter Wu

Walter Wu
Personal information
Born (1972-08-14) 14 August 1972 (age 44)
Residence Richmond, British Columbia
Occupation Paralympic swimmer
Height 176 cm (5.77 ft)
Weight 86 kg (190 lb)
Country Canada
Sport Paralympic Swimmer
Updated on 15 August 2014.

Walter Wu (born 14 August 1972) is an S13 classified Canadian swimmer who has competed and set records at the 1996, 2000, and 2004 Summer Paralympics. He won 14 Paralymipic medals before retiring in 2004 after the Athens Paralympic Games. His accolades included selection as torch bearer, member of the Terry Fox Hall of Fame, and BC Disabled Athlete of the Year. He has spent time as a public speaker to local schools since retirement from active sports competition.

Walter Wu was born on 14 August 1972 in Richmond, British Columbia. He is classified as S13 because of optic nerve dysfunction, meaning that he is considered to be legally blind. At the age of eight, he moved to Richmond, British Columbia where he still resides today. After trying a variety of sports, Wu finally settled with swimming. He wanted to swim "because it was an individual sport; if you fail it’s because of yourself; if you excel it’s because of yourself" Wu said. Since retiring from competition in 2004,

Wu has given a speech at a local school part of the RCMP’s Sports Event which brings athletes to schools to give inspiration. Wu also has a part-time job at Home Depot which he has been sponsored. He worked three years in the phone centre and has been doing shipping and receiving work since 2004. He won the BC Disabled Athlete of the Year, was featured in the Terry Fox Hall of Fame and was a torchbearer at the 2010 Winter Paralympics. He added that "He is humbled and proud of that honour as well."

Walter Wu is a S13 classified swimmer. He competed in three Paralympic Games, retiring after the 2004 Athens Games. He said, "I miss competing, traveling and making international friends, but I don't miss the grueling training."

At the age of 24, Wu won six gold and one bronze medals, breaking two World Records and two Paralympic Records, and becoming Canada's most decorated athlete of the games. He set the world records in the 200-metre individual medley (2:19.83) and 100-metre backstroke (1:05.55). After he won, he said, "That was an incredible feeling. It's not quite the rush of riding on a roller coaster, but standing on the podium when they play the national anthem chokes you up. It makes you proud that the hard work has paid off."

