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Waldhausen category

In mathematics a Waldhausen category (after Friedhelm Waldhausen) is a category C with a zero object equipped with cofibrations co(C) and weak equivalences we(C), both containing all isomorphisms, both compatible with pushout, and co(C) containing the unique morphisms

from the zero-object to any object A.

To be more precise about the pushouts, we require when

is a cofibration and

is any map, that we have a push-out

where the map

is a cofibration: Waldhausen cat.png

A category C is equipped with bifibrations if it has cofibrations and its opposite category COP has so also. In that case, we denote the fibrations of COP by quot(C). In that case, C is a biWaldhausen category if C has bifibrations and weak equivalences such that both (C, co(C), we) and (COP, quot(C), weOP) are Waldhausen categories.

As examples one may think of exact categories, where the cofibrations are the admissible monomorphisms. Another example is the full subcategory of cofibrant objects in a pointed model categories, that is, the full subcategory consisting of those objects for which is a cofibration. (The bifibrant objects do not in general form a Waldhausen category, as a pushout of fibrant objects need not be fibrant. For more information on this second example see the paper by Sagave in the references)

