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The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is a consortium of associations from the information and communications technology (ICT) industry around the world. The group claims that it represents over 90% of the world ICT market through its global membership, and has a goal of advancing the growth and development of the ICT industry. WITSA was founded in 1978 as the World Computing Services Industry Association, and participates in advocacy in international public policy that affects the "global information infrastructure". It voices the concerns of the international IT industry in organisations such as the World Trade Organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the G8.

WITSA represents IT industry associations in over 80 countries or economies. WITSA's motto is "Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age".

For additional information regarding the WCIT, see the "WCIT - A Proud History" document [PDF]

The WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards [1] honor achievements in the application of information technology around the globe. Winners have exhibited excellence in one of four categories: Public Sector Excellence, Private Sector Excellence, Sustainable Growth and Digital Opportunity. A Chairman's Award is presented to a nominee selected from the entire pool of candidates from all three awards categories. The award ceremonies are a signature event of the proceedings at the World Congress on Information Technology.

WITSA's Global Policy and Trade Summit (GPATS) debates public policy issues including electronic commerce, privacy, education, and ICT in developing countries. The conferences are held every two years, on alternate years from the World Congress on Information Technology. The following is a list of past events:

WITSA's policy action reports and papers can be found on the WITSA web site at: http://www.witsa.org/

Mr. Santiago Gutierrez was elected chairman for the 2012-14 term at the October 2012 General Assembly meeting in Montreal, Canada. A list of Directors can be found at http://www.witsa.org/.

