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WAVE Studio

The Pakistan Catholic bishops' national audiovisual center WAVE (Workshop Audio Visual Education) has worked effectively for social harmony and professionalism during its 25 years.

Jesuit Father Jean Desautels started WAVE in June 1977 on the premises of St. Mary's Minor Seminary, Lahore, initially producing only audiocassettes. Its motto is "Peace through music."

The studio began with the aim of producing Catholic religious and liturgical hymns, but later opened its facilities for audiovisual productions by organizations outside the Church. Many Muslim performers have also contributed to WAVE's Christian audiocassettes. State-run Pakistan Television and Radio Pakistan, and many film producers use the studio to make quality recordings.

Archbishop Lawrence Saldanha outfitted WAVE with digital equipment as its former manager and executive secretary of the communications commission before his episcopal ordination. It is located in Rabita Manzil, the commission's national office in Lahore.

Muneeza Hashmi, general manager of Pakistan Television Corporation in Lahore, attended the anniversary celebration at St. Anthony's College and commended the studio for its professionalism, organization and teamwork.

Father Franz-Josef Eilers, executive secretary of the Office of Social Communications of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences, also lauded WAVE's involvement of local talent to produce music for the local needs.

Siriwan Santisakultham, president of SIGNIS Asia, the regional segment of the World Catholic Association for Communication, was also impressed by WAVE's development.

Father Nadeem John Shakir was the director of WAVE from 2002 to 2005.

In 1990, it ventured into video and has produced 21 films. One of the two documentaries produced this year is on AIDS.

In 2000, a compact disk section was added that has produced four audio CDs on the Psalms, Christmas and common hymns.

At the event, Radio Veritas Asia presented 10 awards, each with a 4,000-rupee prize, to musicians, lyricists and producers.

The National Catholic Social Communication Centre (Rabita Manzil) gave out 20 awards also with 4,000-rupee prizes and another 40 without the prizes to people who have worked with distinction for WAVE Studio during last 25 years.

