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Exoplanet Comparison WASP-3 b.png
Size comparison of WASP-3b with Jupiter.
Parent star
Star WASP-3
Constellation Lyra
Right ascension (α) 18h 33m 32s
Declination (δ) +35° 39′ 42″
Apparent magnitude (mV) 10.64
Distance 727 ly
(223 pc)
Spectral type F7V
Orbital elements
Semi-major axis (a) 0.0317+0.0006
Eccentricity (e) 0
Orbital period (P) 1.8468372 ± 6e-07 d
Inclination (i) 85.06+0.15
Time of transit (Tt) 2454605.55915 ± 0.00023 JD
Physical characteristics
Mass (m) 2.06 ± 0.13 MJ
Radius (r) 1.454 ± 0.084 RJ
Density (ρ) 1040 kg m−3
Surface gravity (g) 2.71 m/s² (26.6 g)
Temperature (T) 1983
Discovery information
Discovery date October 31, 2007
Discoverer(s) Pollacco et al. (SuperWASP)
Discovery method Transit
Discovery site ORM
Discovery status Published
Database references
Extrasolar Planets
Exoplanet Archive data
Open Exoplanet Catalogue data

WASP-3b is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star WASP-3 located over 727 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. It was discovered via the transit method by SuperWASP, and follow up radial velocity observations confirmed that WASP-3b is a planet. The planet's mass and radius indicate that it is a gas giant with a similar bulk composition to Jupiter. WASP-3b has such an orbital distance around its star to classify it in the class of planets known as hot Jupiters and has an atmospheric temperature of approximately 1983 K.

WASP-3b undergoes no detectable gravitational tugging from other bodies in this system.

Coordinates: Sky map18h 33m 32s, +35° 39′ 42″

