Vytex Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) is a brand of natural rubber latex produced and marketed by Vystar Corporation. Vytex NRL is an alternative material to petroleum-based synthetics and traditional, or Hevea, natural rubber latex. Protein test results show that Vytex NRL typically has 90% fewer antigenic proteins than Hevea natural rubber latex.
Physical properties of Vytex include barrier protection, elasticity, tactile sensitivity, strength, comfort and fit. Vytex comes in two grades: Vytex high ammonia (Vytex HA) for surgical, exam and rubber gloves, catheters and balloons, and Vytex low ammonia (Vytex LA) for adhesive and foam applications.
In May 2009 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted 510(k) clearance to market and sell a condom made with Vytex that contains less than 2 μg/dm2 of antigenic proteins.
Vytex was created in 2005 by a global team of scientists including Travis Honeycutt, who holds more than 100 patents. Vystar holds two U.S. patents, an additional pending application, and multiple international patent filings for Vytex NRL.
Vytex is produced by Revertex Malaysia and distributed by Centrotrade Minerals and Metals, Inc.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, proteins in latex cause a range of allergic reactions. Allergies to latex are most common in healthcare workers, although there is a lack of awareness among nurses that frequent exposure to latex triggers latex allergy.
Natural rubber latex contains over 200 proteins, similar to other natural plant materials, of which 13 are known allergens.[need citation] Vytex NRL is created through a process that significantly reduces these proteins.