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Voice coach

Voice therapy

Voice therapy, also known as speech therapy or voice training, encompasses a myriad of techniques employed in the management of voice disorders or for improvement of the human voice for the purpose of singing or acting, or for achieving a specific gender intonation, as in the case of transgender people. It is provided by speech-language pathologists or voice coaches.

There are differences in male and female voice although considerable overlap exists between male and female vocal characteristics.

Voice feminization is the desired outcome of surgical techniques, speech therapy, self-help programs and a general litany of other techniques to acquire a female-sounding voice from a perceived male sounding voice.

This is the opposite of voice feminization, being the change of a voice from feminine to masculine.

Voice scientists, speech pathologists, language pathologists and ENT physicians (otolaryngologists) organize voice production into five components. They are:

While hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery can cause a more feminine outward appearance, they do little to alter the pitch or sound of the voice. The existing vocal structure can be surgically altered using procedures that include

Voice prosthesis is an artificial device, usually made of silicone that is used to help laryngectomized patients to speak.

Voice disorders and speech disorder are managed effectively with voice therapy.

While many trans women wish to sing like cisgender women, it will require a lot of training for one to achieve a feminine-sounding voice. This is why most prepubescent males who begin hormone replacement therapy have a higher chance of retaining this quality. See castrato for more information.

