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Vivian Banks

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is an American sitcom based on the life of Will "The Fresh Prince" Smith. it was produced by Quincy Jones and Will Smith. It started airing on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The Fresh Prince was from West Philadelphia and moved to Bel-Air to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousins. The show is about the struggles he has in Bel-Air and basically his life story. The theme song of the show was composed by Will Smith including other music played to connect to scenes. The following are the list of characters in the show.

Born on July 3, 1974.

Philip Banks (played by James Avery) was born on January 30, 1945 in North Carolina. Philip was raised on a farm in Yamacraw, North Carolina, where he was referred to by his parents, Hattie and Joe Banks, as "Zeke". At age 16 he moved to Baltimore.

In the 1960s, he became an activist for the civil rights movement. He was present at the riots in Selma in 1965 and Watts Riots, and, in the pilot episode, he also mentions he heard Malcolm X speak, and that he had read every word that he wrote. In 1963, he was awarded a scholarship to study at Princeton University, after which he went to Harvard Law School. In 1975, Philip was put on the board of the NAACP and was later awarded the Urban Spirit Award for his work in promoting civil rights. He is a conservative but runs as a Democrat against his old mentor Carl Robertson in the elections. At first glance, Will had come to Bel Air with an attitude that because he came from West Philadelphia that he was hardened against anything and was dismissive of Phil and his family as too soft, until he is sternly rebuked by Phil, who reveals his past in seeing the turmoil that happened before Will was born and that it has been his hard work that has earned him a manor in Bel-Air. Philip was also shown to have admired Ronald Reagan, namely because during the series run Reagan had retired from the presidency and moved into the same neighborhood as Philip's. Reagan was said to have declined party invitations until he appears at a traditional Christmas party of the Banks; ironically shown to be a friend of Hilary's.

