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VisiRule is a graphical tool for non-programmers to develop and deliver rule-based and expert systems simply by drawing their decision logic.

VisiRule is designed for building regulatory compliance systems, financial and legal decision-making systems, and machine diagnostic and medical systems.

VisiRule generates executable rules in the form of the Flex expert system toolkit which was developed by LPA in 1989.

LPA set up a dedicated website for VisiRule in 2015 at http://www.visirule.co.uk

VisiRule is used as part of expert systems and decision support courses in Universities such as Uniten.

In RSA-Expert, VisiRule is used as a decision support tool, in which the rules are basically and precisely presented using a Logic Programming model. RSA-Expert aims to assist researchers in making a decision about utilizing suitable statistical data analysis in research.

TPA-EXPERT is a legal expert system which deals with transfer of property act of Indian legal domain. TPA-EXPERT has a simple representation structure which combine time tested rule based and case based approach.

