Vishnu Puran is an Indian television series directed by B. R. Chopra. It aired in 2003. It is based on the Srimad Bhagavat Mahapuran, an ancient collection of stories and scripture. Vishnu Puran tells of 10 incarnations of Lord Shri Vishnu, as well as other stories, such as the Legend of Dhruva.
The chief roles are played by Nitish Bharadwaj as Lord Shri Vishnu and Vaidehi as Goddess Lakshmi. Nitish Bharadwaj previously played the role of Lord Shri Vishnu's eighth incarnation, Lord Krishna, in Chopra's television adaptation of the epic Mahabharat. The music is composed by Rajkamal who also worked on Mahabharat. Even though Vishnu Puran did not prove to be as successful as Mahabharat, it did become popular among Lord Shri Vishnu devotees and Nitish Bharadwaj fans.
Episode 1: The narrator Mother Earth, Dharti Ma, introduces herself to the viewers. After the world ended in fire and flood, only the supreme God Vishnu was left alive. Brahma creates the world and the first humans, Manu and Shatrupa, who wander in the pristine nature and fall in love.
Episode 2: King Uttanpad, Manu and Shatarupa's son, becomes beguiled by his ambitious younger wife Suruchi and neglects his elder queen Suniti and her five-year-old son Dhruv. Suruchi throws Dhruv off his father's lap and Uttanpad fails to intervene. Suruchi tells the unhappy boy that no one but Lord Shri Vishnu the supreme god can grant him the power to sit on his father's lap now.
Episode 3: Dhruv leaves the palace in search of Lord Shri Vishnu. Goddess Lakshmi pleads with Lord Shri Vishnu to protect Dhruv, and takes matters into her own hands by manifesting as a snake to save the child from a gang of dacoits. Manu gives Uttanpad a talking to and Uttanpad and Suniti reconcile and search for their son. Sage Narada, sent by Vishnu, guides Dhruv to the forest and gives him a mantra to chant.