Viniyoga is a Sanskrit word that has multiple meanings. In non-Hindu or Western context, viniyoga typically refers to the therapeutic style of hatha yoga as taught by T. K. V. Desikachar. Literal meanings include "separation", "detachment", and "leaving", but the common meanings include "employment", "use", and "application". The root viniyuj means "to use", "to employ", "to do", among other senses.
When used as a technical term in Hindu religious literature it refers to a short introductory section that gives standard details about the work, such as the sage (ṛṣi) who is said to have originated the work, the meter in which it is to be chanted, the deity (devatā) considered to preside over it, and other technical details of its use.
The word appears in the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, where sutra 3.6 says that the application of the practice of saṁyama takes place in stages.
Indian yoga teacher Tirumalai Krishnamacharya developed this individualized yoga style, which came to be known as Viniyoga. The term viniyoga had been used by T. K. V. Desikachar (son of Krishnamacharya) to describe his approach to utilizing the tools of yoga, in particular his conviction that yoga practice should be adapted to fit the individuality and particular situation of each practitioner. Desikachar later distanced himself from the term.
Viniyoga yoga was just as effective as conventional stretching exercise, and more effective than a self-care book for improving function and pain in patients with chronic low back pain. A 2011 study published online by the Archives of Internal Medicine found that viniyoga was more effective in reducing back pain than using a self-care book. However, viniyoga was no more effective in reducing back pain than stretching classes.