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Victor Tardieu

Victor Tardieu (Orliénas, 1870- Hanoi, 1937) was a French painter. After military service during World War I, he travelled in the Far East and relocated to Vietnam. He founded the École des Beaux-Arts de l’Indochine in Hanoi in 1925.

He married the Italian harpist Caroline Luigini daughter of conductor Alexandre Luigini. Their son Jean Tardieu is a noted poet in France.

His works are exhibited in the musée des Beaux-Arts Lyon, musée des Beaux-Arts Rennes, and the Musée de l'Armée in Paris. His works have also been shown at the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, Hanoi. A collection of ten oil paintings made by Tardieu while working as a medical orderly at a field hospital near Dunkirk in the summer of 1915 are preserved in the Florence Nightingale Museum in London.

