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Valandil of Arnor

This is a list of High Kings of Arnor from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium.

The High Kings of Arnor claimed descent from the Lords of Andúnië through Amandil, and from there to Silmariën and the Kings of Númenor. Elendil and Isildur were the High Kings of Gondor and Arnor, but after Isildur's reign the realms were split although the Northern line continued to use the title of High King of Arnor.

After Eärendur, the realm of Arnor was split between his three sons, founding the realms of Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur: the elder line of Kings continued with the Kings of Arthedain. By T.A. 1349 the descendants of Eärendur had died out in Cardolan and Rhudaur, and Argeleb I of Arthedain again claimed the lordship of all Arnor, though this was contested by Rhudaur, which had fallen under the control of an evil lord of the Hillmen, in league with Angmar. After Arvedui the North Kingdom was no more, and the line of Kings continued in the Chieftains of the Dúnedain, the Rangers of the North.

In the early Fourth Age, following the War of the Ring, Arnor was revived as a part of the Reunited Kingdom and came under the rulership of the Kings of the Reunited Kingdom.

Argeleb I and Arveleg I appear in the real time strategy game The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king. Argeleb sought to end the progress of the Witch-king of Angmar and assaulted his small outpost in Rhudaur but was slain. Arveleg was defending Amon Sûl when it was attacked by the Witch-king. He took its palantír with him to a small outpost, pursued by the Nazgûl Morgomir. He sacrifices himself and the palantír so that it can never be used for the Witch-king's purpose.

