The ValóVilág (Real World) is Hungary's reality show aired by RTL Klub. ValóVilág became the most popular Hungarian reality television programme ever. The show was aired in the same time slot with the localized version of Big Brother. While TV2 recorded the highest number of viewers in 2002, the VV1 had an average 1.5 million. In 2003, the VV2 meant the breakthrough. While it had 1.75 million viewers daily, the BB2 recorded only 800 000 viewers. The RTL Klub started the third season, which was absolutely success with 2.06 million viewers daily. The first three seasons are broadcast between 2002 and 2004, but returned in November 2010 for a fourth season after years of hiatus.
In the sixth season, it was transferred to the newly launched channel RTL II. For the 7th season in Autumn 2014, RTL II remained the host.
The contestants who had been succeed in the casting could participate in a Beszavazóshow (Vote-In Show). During a beszavazóshow, the viewing public had to choose from the three wannabe housemates: who they wanted to participate in the show. The person with the most votes would enter the Villa (house) and became officially a housemate.
In the sixth season, the beszavazóshow was changed into Beköltözés (The Entering Show). In the beköltözés, the creators-chose person (in the first beköltözés 6 people) enters into the Villa.
Kiválasztás (Selection): The housemates have to nominate one fellow housemate in front of each other, live on RTL Klub. The housemate with the most votes would face eviction.
Kihívás (Challenge): The housemate, who became up for eviction earlier, have to choose a fellow housemate whom he/she thought he/she would be a perfect partner to against in the eviction process. (In the second and third season the selected housemate had to choose 2 housemates. The viewers had to decide from the two housemates, which would join the selected one and face eviction with him/her.)
Párbaj (Duel): The two housemates visits the studio and there presenter shows them short videos from their life in the house. During the discussing which the presenter has with the 2 housemate the public can vote for them via phone calls and text message. At the end of the Duel the results of the public vote is revealed. The housemate who received more votes can go back to the House and continue the game. The housemate with the fewest vote had to leave the studio and the game as well.