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V For Vendetta

V for Vendetta
V for vendettax.jpg
V for Vendetta collected edition cover, art by David Lloyd
Publisher UK
Quality Communications
Vertigo (DC Comics)
Abril Jovem
Panini Comics
Creative team
Writer Alan Moore
Letterer Steve Craddock
Colourist Steve Whitaker
Siobhan Dodds
David Lloyd
  • Karen Berger
  • Scott Nybakken
Original publication
Issues 10
Date of publication September 1988 – May 1989

V for Vendetta is a British graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd (with additional art by Tony Weare), published by DC Comics. Later versions were published by Vertigo, an imprint of DC Comics. The story depicts a dystopian and post-apocalyptic near-future history version of the United Kingdom in the 1990s, preceded by a nuclear war in the 1980s which had devastated most of the rest of the world. The fascist Norsefire party has exterminated its opponents in concentration camps and rules the country as a police state. The comics follow its title character and protagonist, V, an anarchist revolutionary dressed in a Guy Fawkes mask, as he begins an elaborate and theatrical revolutionist campaign to kill his former captors, bring down the fascist state and convince the people to bring about democratic government, while inspiring a young woman, Evey Hammond, to be his protégé.

Warner Bros. released a film adaptation of the same title in 2006.

The first episodes of V for Vendetta appeared in black-and-white between 1982 and 1985, in Warrior, a British anthology comic published by Quality Communications. The strip was one of the least popular in that title; editor/publisher Dez Skinn remarked, "If I’d have given each character their own title, the failures would have certainly outweighed the successes, with the uncompromising “V for Vendetta” probably being an early casualty. But with five or six strips an issue, regular [readers] only needed two or three favorites to justify their buying the title."

