The VIATRA (VIsual Automated model TRAnsformations) framework is the core of a transformation-based verification and validation environment for improving the quality of systems designed using the Unified Modeling Language by automatically checking consistency, completeness, and dependability requirements.
VIATRA2 primarily aims at designing model transformations to support the precise model-based systems development with the help of invisible formal methods. Invisible formal methods are hidden by automated model transformations projecting system models into various mathematical domains (and, preferably, vice versa). In this way, VIATRA2 nicely complements other model transformation tools within the initiative.
The most traditional application area for VIATRA2 – started as early as 1998 – is to support the transformation-based dependability analysis of system models taken from various application areas (safety-critical and/or embedded systems, robust e-business applications, middleware, service oriented architecture) described using various modeling languages (BPM, UML, etc.) during a model-driven systems engineering process. Such a model (and transformation)-based dependability analysis typically also includes the verification and validation, the testing, the safety and security analysis as well as the early assessment non-functional characteristics (such as reliability, availability, responsiveness, throughput, etc.) of the system under design. In addition, model transformations for specification, design, deployment, optimization or code generation in traditional model-driven systems engineering are also focal areas for VIATRA2.
Since precise model-based systems development is the primary application area of VIATRA2, it necessitates that (i) the model transformations are specified in a mathematically precise way, and (ii) these transformations are automated so that the target mathematical models can be derived fully automatically. For this purpose, VIATRA2 have chosen to integrate two popular, intuitive, yet mathematically precise rule-based specification formalisms, namely, graph transformation (GT) and Abstract State Machines (ASM) to manipulate graph based models.