Vincent Barrett "V.B." Price (born August 30, 1940) is an American poet, human rights and environmental columnist, editor, journalist, architectural critic, novelist and teacher. He is co-founder of New Mexico Mercury, an online platform featuring news, commentary and analysis from a variety of experts and writers around New Mexico. Price is an emeritus lecturer in the University of New Mexico's Honors College, where he has taught since 1986 and at UNM's School of Architecture and Planning. He teaches ancient Greek and Roman literature in translation, modern poetry, urban studies, and New Mexico environmental studies.
Price was born on August 30, 1940 in Los Angeles, California, the only son of actor Vincent Price (1911–1993) and his first wife, actress Edith Barrett (1907–1977). He graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1962 with a B.A. in anthropology. In 1969 Price married the artist Rini.
He has been writing in New Mexico for over 53 years. Price's poetry and prose has been published in more than 70 national and international publications since 1962. He was the architecture editor for Artspace Magazine of Albuquerque and Los Angeles, and the former editor of New Mexico Magazine. Price was the city editor for the New Mexico Independent (print publication) and worked for the publication through the 1970s. He was the founding editor of Century Magazine, which ran from 1980–1983. He was architecture critic at the Albuquerque Journal in the mid 1980s. He wrote for the Albuquerque Tribune from 1978 till the paper closed in 2008, most notably as a weekly columnist. Price was an editorial contributor to the New Mexico Independent (online publication) from 2008-2009.
He was the series editor of the Mary Burritt Poetry Series at the University of New Mexico Press from 2004 to 2012. As an editor, he has brought work of more than 500 New Mexican authors, poets, and scholars into print.