*** Welcome to piglix ***


My username is the Gaelic word for music. In Ireland you might often see signs for "Craic (banter) agus (&) Ceoil (tunes)".

Am happily married to the delightful and rather vampy Kafka Liz, another ex punk and fellow medievalist, whom I met here at Book of Kells, The Garden of Earthly Delights & Caspar David Friedrich etc, and with whom I now live in County Cork in a similar way.

Song written 20 years ago for a childhood friend recently lost [1]. RIP.

My i-tunes has 246 songs by the Cocteau Twins, and 687 by the Fall. In olden days I had, more or less, each Fall album or ep on vinyl and a great many live cassettes. The first concert in Iceland is most treasured.

I like MES, but in terms of FALL relativism; I prefer Steve Hanley, Craig Scanlon, Brix Smith

