*** Welcome to piglix ***


Answerable to everyone; responsible to all; publicity dissected brain cells splattered on the walls of encyclopedic knowledge. May be barbaric but it's fun.

For the most part these are short versions of the music

I'm first name last name and my website can be found here with a lot of my pictures.

I was born on the same day that Concepción, Chile suffered an earthquake in the same year that Cortina d'Ampezzo held the Winter Olympics. The town was still in this county though today it is part of this city.

The first place I remember living was in this county just down the street from the station and very close to a minor landmark. We would ride to the station here where my father worked.

After a few years we moved but only stayed for a year. Next we moved to here, which is very close to a more famous place. There were several things of interest in the area such as this and this. Of course this imaginary line was here but at the time I did not know that it would rule my working life.

