The bot looks at New Articles and puts relevant articles into the New Articles lists of Portals and Projects. The goal is to help editors find new articles related to their areas of interest.
If you are interested in , add importScript( "User:Fred Gandt/getUnpatrolledOfAlexNewArtBotResultsPages.js" );
(Feedback welcomed and encouraged) to before reading these lists.
The bot is superseded by InceptionBot by User:Bamyers99. InceptionBot still uses this page.
The bot currently supports:
The bot does not create an archive of previous new articles. The history for a SearchResult page can be used to view previous results. Viewing every 14th history item will yield the desired result. Example: JapanSearchResult. Click on the date for a history item to view the page asof that date.
Yes, you can add new feeds for the bot yourself. Here I describe how to do it. It is a little bit tricky, so if you are unsure what you are doing, ask .
Steps to create bot feed:
The name should not be used for any other feeds. It should not contain spaces and other non-letter symbols. It should be disambigous. E.G. UK is not good: is it Ukraine or United Kingdom. It should be reasonably short and you should be able to spell it uniformly throughout a few steps. E.g. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is not a good name.
Well this is the most tricky part: You have to provide some rules for the bot. Each rule has some numerical value (might be negative). All the values from the rules applicable to the article are added together to get a score. If a rule matches the lead of the article the points for the rule are doubled. If the final score is at least as much as the threshold, then the article is in.
Both threshold and rules are written in the rules page. One line per rule (and one line per threshold).
Threshold is specified as
means 14 points threshold
Rules has format:
The Points is the number of points for the rule, negative numbers are allowed. If omitted than by default every rule costs 10 points. Do not forget that if the lead is matched points are doubled. Pattern that we should have is a Regular expression as in Perl that should be matched in the text of an article so the rule is counted. The inhibitors are the patterns that "inhibit" the rule. Making it inactive even if the Pattern that we should have is matched. E.g when creating the rules for the Russia related articles, I want to include Saint Petersburg - the second largest city in Russia. On the other hand many American articles mention St. Petersburg, Florida and other American cities. Thus, I could want to decrease the value of the rule and inhibit it completely if Florida mentioned: