Julio María Sanguinetti
Colorado Party
General elections were held in Uruguay on 31 October 1999 alongside a double referendum, with a second round of the presidential election on 28 November. The election resulted in a victory for the Broad Front – Progressive Encounter alliance in the General Assembly elections, together with a win for Jorge Batlle Ibáñez of the Colorado Party in the presidential election.
Although Vázquez obtained a plurality of more than 7% over Batlle in the first round, in the second round roughly 90% of voters of Lacalle in the first round switched to Batlle (following the endorsement of the National Party in favour of the Batlle candidacy), enabling him to win the election with a comfortable 8% margin. In the parliamentary elections, the party of losing presidential candidate Tabaré Vázquez won the most seats, though they failed to gain a parliamentary majority.