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Uranian (comics)

Uranian Eternals
Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Marvel Boy #1 (November 1950)
Created by Stan Lee (writer)
Place of origin Uranus
Notable members Astron

The Uranians are a fictional race in the Marvel Universe. They first appeared in Marvel Boy # 1 (1950), written by Stan Lee, as the human-like inhabitants of the planet Uranus, who became the hosts and mentors of Marvel Boy (Robert Grayson), as well as providing him with the technology which he used on Earth to become a superhero. Originally described as a utopian society of extraterrestrials native to Uranus who had found scientific cures for aging, disease, crime, and other ills, they were laterretconned as a colony of the Eternals, an offshoot humanity which possessed near-immortality, super-powers and vastly advanced technology even before founding their colony.

The backstory of Uranos, and other Uranian Eternals (such as Sui-San, mother of Thanos) was featured in Captain Marvel vol. 1, #29 (November 1973, by Jim Starlin).

Many centuries ago, a civil war among Earth's Eternals ended with the losing side, led by Uranos, being banished from Earth. At this point the Eternals had not yet gained their longevity and near-invulnerability (from the release of radiation which transformed Kronos), and so Uranos and his followers never possessed these qualities. Uranos and his Eternals arrived on the planet which has become known as Uranus, where they discovered a Kree base, established there during the Kree-Skrull War. Using Kree technology, the warlike Uranos and most of his followers built a spaceship and intended to return and conquer Earth to destroy the other Eternals. Astron and three other, more peaceful Eternals chose to remain behind. Uranos and his faction encountered a Kree armada which destroyed their spaceship. The surviving members of the faction settled on Titan, a moon of Saturn. Their civilization there eventually destroyed itself through civil war, but the sole survivor, Sui-San, together with A'lars, an Eternal from Earth, became the parents of the Eternals of Titan.

